Pedal for Scotland - Accept the Challenge!                     var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));   try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-8456884-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {}                       About the Ride  Challenge Ride 51 miles The classic freshnlo Pedal for Scotland ride, the challenge ride is now in its 13th year. The 51 mile Glasgow to Edinburgh ride is Scotland's biggest bike ride and attracted 8000 participants last year.

 The reason for the ride's huge popularity is the combination of a great route that uses a mixture of closed roads, quiet back roads and cycle paths and the fact that it takes in Scotland's two largest cities via stunning countryside. It's the perfect challenge for both regular cyclists and those who haven't cycled in a while - a few weeks training is enough to get in shape.

 There are rest stops around every ten miles serving free refreshments, plus a free lunch at the beautiful Linlithgow Palace, topped of with entertainment and activities iin Edinburgh, making for the perfect active day out for groups of friends, family or work mates. Transport can also be booked to get you and your bike to the start, or home from the finish.

 Sportive Ride 100 miles


 The freshnlo Pedal for Scotland Sportive is a new ride of 100 miles from Glasgow to Edinburgh. The route takes riders through the Southern Uplands and down into Ediburgh passing through 7 local authorities and incorporating the best sections of numerous Scottish cycle racing circuits, including the A77 10 Mile Time Trial, sections of the Moscow APR and the Strathaven Anderside Classic, incorporating steeps climbs around Muirkirk and undulating stretches across wild moorland . The Sportive is a much more challenging ride for regular cyclists. Check out the route map in the side panel opposite.

 The Sportive will use the same start and finish points as the challenge ride but will take a completely seperate route to give riders a clear run to get the best time they can. The transport service will serve Sportive riders too, meaning there is an easy and hassle free way to get you and your bike to the start in Glasgow, or back home from Edinburgh at the finish.

 Skyride Glasgow  9 miles


 For newcomers to cycling or families with younger children, the Sky ride offers an amazing traffic-free city ride in Glasgow that allows you to see the sights but avoid the cars and buses.

  Taking a closed-road route along the Clyde River, the Sky ride takes in many of Glasgow's iconic buildings including the new Riverside Museum that will be open for riders to visit. Best of all, entry is absolutely free. 

      Who Can Take Part? Challenge Ride 

 The ride is typically around 50 miles long. Though that might seem like a huge distance, by riding at a gentle pace and making use of the rest stops, it is not as difficult as it sounds! 

 Unlike running, cycling lets you chat away, enjoy the scenery sweeping past and barely be out of breath. There are no limits - all it takes is a bit of enthusiasm and some preparation and you will enjoy a fantastic and rewarding experience. With a bit of training, anyone able to cycle confidently should be able to participate.

 Sportive Ride

 At 100 miles, this ride is better suited to keen regular road cyclists. If you have ridden the Challenge Ride in previous years, and finished in less than 3 hours, then this could be a natural progression.


 For more advice on how to prepare for Pedal for Scotland visit Cycling Scotland's downloads or see the training and advice page.

        We have introduced an interactive map which can be viewed in different formats to give a real feel for the ride. If you use Google Earth, you can also download the route. 

 View the Challenge Ride Route  view map  

 View the Sportive  Route  view map *these routes are subject to change 


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