Play on Pedals

Fun and engaging cycle activities for nursery-aged children, delivered in partnership with Play Scotland and Cycling UK.

What is Play Together on Pedals?

A preschool and family cycling project, run as a partnership between Cycling UK, Cycling Scotland, and Play Scotland.

What is Play on Pedals?

What is Play on Pedals?

A training programme that supports and develops the cycling skills of nursery-aged children.

How can I become an instructor?

How can I become an instructor?

How instructor training equips nursery staff to plan and deliver the Play on Pedals programme to nursery-aged children.

How can my nursery get involved?

Find out about the support available for local authority early years teams.

What can I do as a parent to support my child?

Advice and guidance including top tips and video guides including moving from a balance bike to the pedalling stage.