Get Involved


Click on the images below to download our Pedal for Scotland poster, the STV Children’s Appeal fundraising pack and our 2017 Rider Brochure. Available to print now!


We want everyone participating in Pedal for Scotland to have an amazing experience, and we simply couldn’t do this without the help of our dedicated volunteers.

Pedal for Scotland believe that volunteering should be fun, it should be about meeting new people and increasing confidence. We’d like you to develop new skills, overcome new challenges and maybe even improve your job prospects.

It’s really up to you.

So if you want to be involved in the buzz of the biggest bike event in Scotland, why not register as a volunteer?

Volunteer Roles

Start Team – Be part of the team that set off 10,000 riders from Glasgow to Edinburgh.

Rider Pack Team – Assign participants ride numbers, t-shirts and record their details on registration sheets in Glasgow.

Info Team - To give help, advice and information to participants and spectators at venues along the route.

Feed Station Team - To handout feed station items to the participants along the route.

Finish Team – To congratulate the riders as they cross the finish line and handout their well-deserved medals.

Please indicate which team you’d like to join in the Additional Comments section below.

Your Name (required)

Your Email (required)


Address: (required)

Town / City (required):

Postcode: (required)

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